• The Guide to Instagram Guides

    The Guide to Instagram Guides | Miller Digital

    Instagram Guides are the newest feature to Instagram and another key way to showcase your content or products on your account. Guides are essentially mini blog-posts that you categorize for any topic, product or content type! Here’s what they look like within your Instagram account: Guides can be showcased in three ways: by place, by […]


  • 4 ways to get clients from Facebook groups

    4 ways to get clients from Facebook groups | Miller Digital

    I am OBSESSED with using Facebook groups! They have helped to grow my e-mail list, to connect with other entrepreneurs, for tech support for programs, and for support for online courses. Facebook groups can be a gold mine for finding your ideal client but there is a methodical and classy way to get clients without […]


  • How to choose content buckets for your service-based business

    How to choose content buckets | Miller Digital

    First, let’s talk about the importance of content buckets and why the heck you need them in the first place. Content buckets (or pillars) are the core topics you focus on to differentiate your brand from others. It’s the idea of creating 2-4 key topics that you always talk about to establish yourself as an […]