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Instagram Guides are the newest feature to Instagram and another key way to showcase your content or products on your account. Guides are essentially mini blog-posts that you categorize for any topic, product or content type!

Here’s what they look like within your Instagram account:

Instagram Guides

Guides can be showcased in three ways: by place, by product, or by posts.

In this blog post, I’m showing you a step-by-step tutorial of how to create a Guide for each type. A Guide to Guides, if you will!

The Guide to Instagram Guides | Miller Digital

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Here’s an example of each:

  • If you’re an influencer or using a personal account, using the place Guide will be best for you.
  • If you’re an online store, retail or utilize Instagram Shops, using the product Guide will be best for you.
  • If you’re a service-based business owner or traditional storefront, using the post Guide is best for you.
You can add any Guide by going to your profile and clicking on the + sign at the top right.
Click on “Guide”.

Step 1 - Create Guide

Create Guide

You will then be asked to choose a Guide type based on Places, Products or Posts.

Choose Guide Type

Step 2 - Guide: Places

Click on “Places” and you will be prompted with a location map. Type in your area and select it from results.

Note that you can search for an area, or select a place from your Saved or Your Posts at the bottom of the screen.


Once selected, you can choose posts in that area by clicking on the circle at the bottom of each photo. You can choose multiple posts.

Click “Next” when finished and continue to create the Guide (skip down to Step 3).


Step 2 - Guide: Products

If you select Products, you will then be able to search for an Instagram account or shop.

Type in the search bar and click on the account.


You will then see all products available for purchase. Select one to add to your Guide.

Shop page

Select the product by tapping on the photo. Note you can also add products from Your Posts or From Shop at the bottom of the screen.

Click “Next”. You can continue to add products from the same store or search for new stores and their products in one Guide.

Once finished, skip down to Step 3.

Step 2 - Guide: Posts

If you select Posts, you can select your posts directly from your feed or Saved posts from other accounts at the bottom of screen.

Click on the photos you would like to add and then click “Next”.

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Step 3 - Customize your Guide

Now your Guide is created and ready to edit!

Give it a title and description. Change the cover photo if you prefer.

Scroll down and edit each place, product or post within the Guide.

Hit “Next” when you’re done editing and then “Share” and your Guide will be published!

Instagram Guides

Editing Guides

If you want to edit an existing Guide and add another post, product or place to it, all you have to do is click on the Guide and then the top three dots in the right corner.

Click “Edit Guide”.

You can also delete it, copy the link to share, or share to another platform.

To delete a post or product from the Guide, tap on the three dots on the top right corner of the post item within the Guide and “Remove From Guide”.

To re-arrange the post order in the Guide, click “Reorder Posts”.

Press and hold on the post and drag it to the position where you want it to be.


Some Guide ideas for you:

  • Showcase your products by dividing into categories
  • Share your tips, hacks, services or freebies in different Guides
  • Share your Saved posts of other entrepreneurs to showcase their work and affiliate marketing products you use
  • Sort your content buckets into different Guide categories

And that’s your Guide on Instagram Guides! Let me know if you found this tutorial useful by commenting below!

Still feeling a little flustered with Guides? I got you, babe. Work directly with me for a 1:1 social media coaching.