content ideas

  • 3 ways to save time and automate your content | Miller Digital

    3 ways to save time and automate your content

    Creating processes and systems is crucial as an entrepreneur to save yourself time in your business and work smarter, not harder, with your promotions. One of the many ways to promote your business is using social media, and today I’m sharing my three best tips to automate your content and save you time. First, let’s […]

  • Social Media Call to Actions to Drive Engagement | Miller Digital

    Social media call to actions to drive engagement

    My number one piece of advice for any social media post is to always have a call to action. Calls to actions (CTA’s) are a crucial part of any post because you always want to have a purpose or message with each post. A call to action is direct driver telling your audience what to […]

  • How to choose content buckets | Miller Digital

    How to choose content buckets for your service-based business

    First, let’s talk about the importance of content buckets and why the heck you need them in the first place. Content buckets (or pillars) are the core topics you focus on to differentiate your brand from others. It’s the idea of creating 2-4 key topics that you always talk about to establish yourself as an […]

  • 40 Instagram Stories Ideas - Miller Digital

    40 Instagram Stories Ideas

    Instagram Stories are one of the most effective ways to connect with your audience through the Instagram platform. Stories are video, graphics or picture clips that last for 24 hours to be viewed. A snapshot into your life, if you will! The key to creating engaging content with your audience is to make it useful […]