social media mistakes

  • 5 Content Marketing Mistakes

    Content marketing is anything that you produce and published online. This can be through social media, blogging, videos, podcasts, e-books and more. Content marketing is one of the many digital marketing aspects that help to promote your business and get your name out there! I often see entrepreneurs struggle with content marketing and content creation […]

  • 6 ways to increase social media engagement

    6 ways to increase social media engagement

    Are you hearing crickets after you post online? Are you constantly trying to find new ways to get your audience to respond on social media and engage with you either in comments, through DMs, or likes? Or maybe you’re posting and running? (Don’t worry, I used to be guilty of that one too!) If you’re […]

  • 10 social media mistakes your business is making

    10 Social Media Mistakes Your Business is Making

    Social media is meant to be just that – “social”. It’s easy for anyone to use social media, which is the beauty of the platforms! But it’s also just as easy to make mistakes, because social media for business is an entirely different ball game than your personal social media. Are you posting every day […]