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Analytics and metrics are traditionally used for marketers or corporation who are tracking campaigns, key performance indicators or goals. Instagram has given Business and Creator accounts the ability to view Insights, or metrics, into posts.

As a small business owner, you can tap into those same metrics to reach your goals AND, when you listen to what your Instagram Insights are telling you, you can create content that truly connects with your audience.

Your analytics and metrics is one of the EASIEST ways to find new content ideas – because your audience has told you what they love based on past posts.

Let’s dive into why you should check your Instagram Insights.

Why you should check your Instagram Insights | Miller Digital

Engagement stats got you scratching your head? Check out this post on 6 ways to increase social media engagement.

Their demographics

Do your Insights reflect the ideal client and audience you want to be attracting?

For example, if your dream client is females, is that the demographic of your followers in Insights?

If not, you may need to re-evaluate your branding through your images, voice and messaging to your audience in your posts.

You can also check where your audience is demographically, and while this may not matter to some online business owners, if you have a local audience and your city isn’t your top followers, then you might need to update your hashtags and location tagging.

Engagement and saves

Dive into your Insights and look at your top performing posts.

Engagement rates and saves are the key indicators of engaging content, but even better is knowing which posts drove traffic to your link in bio or DMs.

These tell you directly what your audience is connecting with, and what they most likely want to know more about from you (which establishes your expertise!).

Try to re-create top-performing posts with re-purposed content, imagery or topic.

New Insights to dive into

Instagram recently introduced new Insights for Reels and Lives, giving you even more data to analyze! While it’s not totally in-depth, it’s still a start to see what is connecting with your audience.

Don’t forget to look at the Insights on your Stories, too!

Insights such as interactions, repeated views, shares, saves and impressions are all metrics you should be looking at for your Reels, Lives and Stories.

Your Insights

Remember that vanity metrics such as likes or views aren’t going to give you an ideal perspective on your analytics!

Reviewing your Insights and tracking them each month by screenshots, spreadsheet or documents will help you reach your goals and create content that connects with your audience faster – which will ultimately lead to more ideal clients!

Ready to make the most out of your analytics for your content? Analytics is one of the lessons you learn inside Social Superstar, join me today!