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In times like these, there is so much uncertainty, unanswered questions and fear. You may feel bad or uncomfortable promoting your online business and wonder what you should be doing for your audience and customers. Here are a few tips you can use to manage your online business during an economic recession:

tips to manage your online business during an economic recession | Miller Digital

Find out what your audience wants

There is no shame in just straight-up asking your customers what they want from you – do they want you to address what’s currently happening in the world, or perhaps they would rather have you share those funny memes or craft ideas to brighten their day? Create a poll in Facebook or Instagram and find out what they want and need from you the most right now. You may find they are asking you for guidance and help, as well.

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Offer new products or services

After finding out what your audience wants, you could use it as an opportunity to offer a new service – if you are a more hands-on online business owner, maybe you can offer webinars or video calls with potential customers. Or maybe there’s a certain product they want from you, or a new lead magnet you could create. Having this extra “downtime” can allow you to be creative with new offerings.

Reevaluate your business strategy

Use this time to reevaluate your business strategic plan, and see if there are any quarterly goals you need to readjust or shifting your business completely if your industry is severely affected. Does your website need some tweaking? Is there some content on your blog posts you could update? Is there an online course you’ve been wanting to take? Take this as an opportunity to grab your business by the reins!

When in doubt, continue to educate and share your useful information on your business topic to your audience. They are still listening!

Stay safe and remember we are all in this together. I’m here to answer any of your marketing or business questions, too – just comment below or send me a message.

If you’re creating an online business, here are 3 things you must have before launching.