Today I’m talking about a subject that often gets brushed under the rug – failure. Or in other words – the things you’re doing right now that are stunting your business growth.
So, I’m sharing 3 big mistakes entrepreneurs make with social media and content creation for their business that’s keeping you stuck and overwhelmed from growing your business – and what happens when you stop making these mistakes. Are you doing any of these things?
Mistake #1 | You have no social media or content system
You create content on the fly for your blog posts and/or social media because you think you have to post everyday to be seen online.
You post infrequently because you’re so busy with other aspects of your business that you don’t have time to think about posting on social media, but you know you need to to grow your sales.
You don’t have a schedule or strategy to follow because you’re trying to piece all the information you find online into your own DIY strategy and end up abandoning it because it’s too. damn. hard.
What happens if you continue making this mistake…
If you don’t post consistently, then your audience won’t know your business exists! How can you connect and make them trust you if you’re not showing up online? Certain platforms *cough*Instagram*cough* will rank you higher in the algorithm if you post and engage consistently, so if you’re posting infrequently there’s a high chance your followers won’t even see it.
Ultimately, if you continue to post without a strategy or a system in place for your business you won’t get clients!
What happens when you STOP making this mistake…
When you have a set plan and system with social media goals and business goals to work towards you will see results in your business!
If you have measurements in place to analyze your content and data it assists you to connect with you audience based on previous performance of posts and with a content schedule and topics in place to clarify who you are, what you do all leads to…CLIENTS!
Mistake #2 | You create content for the sake of posting and not for what your audience needs
You think you need to post every day to get results and be “seen” and scramble to put a post or blog together
You create content according to what you think you should post and not what your audience wants and needs to hear from you.
What happens if you continue making this mistake…
When you post daily of random images and captions that have little thought (or worse!) nothing that is alignment with your brand, you won’t be able build trust with your audience because they don’t understand why you’re trying to help them in first place or what your expertise is.
If you try to promote or talk about too many things at once and don’t stay focused on ONE thing you’re audience will be overwhelmed ad confused.
What happens when you STOP making this mistake…
You create quality content that makes your audience say YES each time you post and speaks directly to their wants, needs and pain points.
You will start to get comments and DM’s from your audience asking how you can help them and you get the right people who want to buy your service or offer!
Mistake #3 | You're afraid to promote yourself
This is the biggest struggle I address with entrepreneurs and my clients! “Imposter syndrome” takes over and believe me, we have all dealt with it at some point in our life.
When you’re afraid to promote yourself, you’re afraid to post photos of yourself or show up in Stories. Or you’re afraid you’ll seem too “salesy” and people will unfollow you and the thought of selling is just.plain. ICKY to you!
What happens if you continue making this mistake…
If you don’t promote yourself or your services your ideal client isn’t going to know about your amazing offer that they are searching for.
They aren’t going to create a connection and trust factor with the person behind the brand because they don’t now who you are.
You’re not doing yourself or your business justice with what you started this business for in the first place – to help people!
If you don’t promote you won’t make any sales or help your ideal client – period.
What happens when you STOP making this mistake…
When you show your face and share your personality you will develop the trust and connection with your audience so they will want to work with you.
The world needs to see what you have to offer and there is someone out there who is perfect for it and needs it!
When you start to show up more, you’ll realize that selling isn’t selling when you have the right story and message to share that makes your audience WANT your offer – and how it can transform their problem, struggle or life.
This is brand new, free training shares my best strategies and systems to help entrepreneurs like you to make content creation less stressful and overwhelming and book clients through social.
Not only am I telling you what to do instead to fix these top 3 mistakes, but I’m also sharing my exclusive 4 step framework that has got results for both me and my clients inside my 1:1 Social Superstar coaching program.
I’ve even got a surprise goodie inside for those who sign up:) – get the free training direct to your inbox here.