social media strategy

  • 9 Call to Actions for Your Social Media Profiles | Miller Digital

    9 Call to Actions for your Social Media Profiles

    Having your website URL as the standard doesn’t entice a viewer or follower to want to click on it to see what you do and how you can help. They will bounce right off your profile! You need to TELL them what to do! By providing a call to action (CTA) that directly links […]

  • 6 social media tips for new businesses | Miller Digital

    6 Social Media Tips for New Businesses

    As a new business owner, social media can be daunting and overwhelming to add to your marketing efforts on top of launching your business. I won’t deny that it is hard work to create an effective social media plan, but if you have the right tools and follow these tips to get you started, it […]

  • 50 IG Reels Ideas | Miller Digital

    50 Instagram Reels Ideas

    Update Jan 2021: This original post had 25 Instagram Reels ideas, and with the growing popularity of Reels and TikTok videos, I added MORE Reels ideas for you below for a total of 50 Instagram Reels ideas! Instagram Reels have been out since August 2020, and it’s been a game changer so far for content […]

  • How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan

    You know that you need to be on social media in order to run an online business. You may be an online shop owner, blogger, service-based owner or online creator and you’re already out there hustling every day to post on social media and promote your business. But, nothing seems to work. You’re not getting […]