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The e-mails you send your subscribers are one of the biggest assets you have. They are already engaged in what you have to say, and the content you send them is going to build trust in you and your ideas.

But what if you have no idea what to send them? Whether you’re new or experienced at sending e-mails to your subscribers, I have 7 different “storytelling” methods that are going to help you speak to your audience in an authentic and trustworthy way.

Here are 7 types of e-mails to send to your subscribers:


7 types of emails to send to your subscribers

1 – How-to’s

How to’s are fantastic because they are easy to put together and can get your creative juices flowing for other topics. If you have an existing content of a how-to blog post or video, talk about it to your subscribers in a sneak peek and include a link to the full post. (This is also known as re-purposing content, and you can learn 20 ways to re-purpose content right here.)

Example: How to get (solution) in (time frame).

2 – Address problems and fears

Get really in touch with your audience and touch on those pain points they have. Address their problems and fears head on and explain what would happen if they didn’t “do the thing” you’re teaching. What if they didn’t do the thing you’re teaching in your newest podcast? Or what if they didn’t buy your service? Would their life look the same? Would they lose out on something? They want your advice, after all!
Example: The most common mistake I see (target audience topic) make.

3 – Focus on the benefits

If you’re promoting one of your products or content, what key benefits are your audience going to get from it? You know it’s amazing, but it can be hard to convey the message if you don’t know exactly how it’s going to help your customers. What problem does it solve for them? How does it help them right now in their life? What are they going to specifically get from it?
Example: (Number) ways to do (specific topic).
Want 50 e-mail subject lines that convert? Download them for free here.

4 – Tell a story

Use a personal example and share a message that captures your audience attention. Is it sharing a struggle you overcame? Is it a personal journey of something you’re still working on? Is it a specific thing that changed your life?
Example: If I started all over again with (topic), I’d do this instead.

5 – Offer solutions in an easy time frame

Do you have 3 quick tips you could share with your audience that they could apply today? Or how about an e-mail challenge with your subscribers? Give them easy steps that makes them think “Hey, I can do this if it’s only __ days!”.
Example: 5 day (specific topic) e-mail challenge for (target audience type).
Are you still looking to create an awesome lead magnet for your site? Check out 15 opt-in ideas to grow your e-mail list.

6 – Share the number data

Show them statistics from your industry of successes and failures, or your products and services. Seeing hard data can help analytical readers make decisions!
Example: (Number) ways to increase your (topic) in (time frame).

7 – Make it personal

If you really want your subscribers to connect with you, you have to share your own personal triumphs and fails. Get really specific in telling your personal story and how your solutions will help them too, because it worked for you.

Example: This (specific topic) made me (emotion).

If you use any of these 7 types of e-mails, let me know! I would love to know how they worked for you and your audience.

