
let's take your instagram reels to the next level

Your signature Reels content system that saves you a massive amount of time and connects you with your ideal dreamy clients!

Do any of these sound familiar?

You hate showing your face but know Reels are the way to grow on Instagram and want to be confident posting

You’ve used trending audios to get more views and not getting any client leads from it

You feel overwhelmed coming up with content ideas for Reels and want to have a list of content ideas ready to go

You want to learn how to create Reels with less work and less time so you can get back to running your business

Get ready to...


rock your reels

Your step-by-step guide to navigate Reels and implement a content system to create more Reels in less time with content that attracts your ideal clients!

Rock Your Reels with bonuses

Here's what you'll learn:

“I would highly recommend everyone to take this course that has no experience in Reels, looking to take them to the next level and/or just wants to feel more confident before they post. Courtney broke it down so well and clear. I found Courtney and we did coaching together but this was the cherry on top as Reels!”


join for $597 or with 4 monthly paments of $174

Two payment options with all-access to the course!

“I felt lost when it came to making reels, but Courtney has streamlined the process, coming up with content ideas, batching Reels and even editing! I feel much less intimidated by Reels and videos.”


Courtney Miller digital

Hey, I'm courtney!

As someone who’s been in the social media world for years and creating social strategy for clients, I’ve learned a ton, like being able to record 10 Reels in under 30 minutes, or create video content that brings leads into my business, or create a content system to organize my Reels. 

I used to struggle with creating video content and being confident in front of the camera, and would spend an endless amount of time re-recording Reels or editing my videos with frustration.

Using the strategies I teach in Rock Your Reels, I was personally able to create content that consistently gets pushed by Instagram, create a system to make recording and posting Reels easier in less time, and grow my leads with my ideal audience.

And I can’t wait to show you all of this too inside the course!

get ready to create reels with a content system that saves you time

Rock Your Reels is the ultimate Instagram strategy for service providers who want to connect with their ideal clients and save time creating content!

Frequently Asked Questions

One of the reasons I developed the system I teach in this course is because I KNOW that people are busy and I want to save you time on learning the technical ins-and-outs of Reels, how to create content easily and how to come up with content ideas. I know you can Google or YouTube how to do it all – but think of the HOURS you’ll save by bypassing all of the Googling and spending countless hours trying to figure it all out!


The entire course can be viewed in a few days, and you can expect to budget about 20 minutes per day for homework to implement your lessons, record Reels, and start seeing results RIGHT AWAY!

Nope! All you need is your smartphone and a computer to watch the course and record your Reels. And the Instagram app, of course 🙂 I also include my best recommendations of an Equipment List to get you started if you want to further invest in your Reels game!

In short – no! But you totally may end up having a Reel go viral when you implement the techniques inside the course! I don’t believe in having thousands of followers or views to make an impact as a business owner. What I am going to show you is how to create Reels that speak EXACTLY to your ideal client so they will want to follow you and work with you!

Ha! 😉 One of the reasons I created this course is because there is SO MUCH information out there on Reels and Instagram content strategies – and some of it is outdated and incorrect because Reels and video content are changing fast! 

I mean, Instagram is constantly evolving and changing…Rock Your Reels walks you through, step-by-step, not only how to navigate Reels but to implement a system to create more Reels in less time with content that attracts your ideal clients.

What a great way to get started! So many of us spend the first few years as business owners struggling through Instagram by taking shots in the dark and hoping our content magically works. 

By starting out with Rock Your Reels, you’re likely to get ahead of other business owners with video content and create a content system that helps you create more Reels in less time! 

Yeah, it might take a few weeks or months longer to lay the groundwork, but you’ve gotta do that

anyway, right? Might as well make sure that you do it right the first time, yo.

“Before Rock Your Reels I felt that it was too complicated to do a Reel and I hated showing my face. After the course, I felt more confident in turning on the camera as well as lip syncing.”


ready for a step-by-step system that will teach you how to use Reels to connect with your ideal clients through your content and create your videos with a system in far less time?

Or another 6-12 months of trying to figure everything out yourself while Reels continue to be pushed in the algorithm?